肉瘤 Sarcoma


患者,22岁,男性。因接受尤因氏肉瘤(外周原始神经上皮性肿瘤 PNET)切除术入院。患者含糊地描述入院前一月开始有视觉障碍。他接受了开胸术,肺部转移病灶被切除。但在恢复后又出现注意力及视觉障碍。体检发现:患者精神不集中,意识模糊,右侧同向偏盲,左下象限偏盲。右下肢腱反射亢进。

The patient was a 22 year old man who was admitted for resection of Ewing's sarcoma (peripheral/primitive neuroepithelial tumor- PNET). Vaguely described visual difficulty was noted retrospectively to have begun approximately one month prior to admission. He underwent thoracotomy for pulmonary metastasis, and was noted after recovery to have trouble with concentration and increasing visual difficulty. On exam, he was inattentive, confused and had a right homonomous hemianopia, a left inferior quadrantanopia, right lower extremity hyperreflexia, and right extensor plantar response.

为保护隐私,某些细节被删除。 Some details have been altered to protect confidentiality.
Keith A. Johnson (keith@bwh.harvard.edu), J. Alex Becker (jabecker@mit.edu)




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